2nd Annual Aloha Books

KANEOHE, HAWAII. The 2nd Annual Aloha Books Kick-Off Event was held at Kaneohe Elementary School. The 5th graders opened the ceremony with a special oli. Principal Derek Minakami welcomed guests, parents and the first recipients of this years giving the Kindergartners and Head Start students. Mom Akaka presented each student with a new book and in closing, Courtney Mattson danced to Hawaiian Lullaby.

A special thanks to Kaneohe EL for hosting this years kick off event and providing refreshments. Mahalo to Mercedes, Erin and Courtney for baking cookies, and all other volunteers - Akoni, Catherine, Ekolu, Emily, Danielle, David, Gabrielle, HCAP Staff, Joe and Elan for flying books, Karen, Kea, Lena, Lois, Millannie, Natalie, Nick, Pat, Rosa, Rose for helping the presentation and distributions and Young Brothers for shipping books to Maui kids. A Big MAHALO to Simon & Schuster for your continued support! MAHALO EVERYONE!